Xima provides both Online Training & Instructor-Based Training
Xima has a 2-step training process in place to help customers learn and better leverage their investment in Xima Chronicall software applications
Step 1:
Customer navigate to Xima training page at; www.ximasoftware.com/support/#support:Training and select “End User Training (for credit),” whereupon they will need to enter their
• email address
• first and last name
• Chronicall serial key number
Customers can then go online, at their leisure, and go through the interactive learning modules that will help build their learning foundation for Chronicall and the related modules (if purchased). This training consists of a series of short videos and simple quizzes.
Step 2:
Once the online interactive training has been completed, instructor-based training can be scheduled with a Xima Software representative. The instructor-based training is intended to address more specific areas of Chronicall and answer any questions that were not covered or answered during the online interactive training modules.
Customers can send an email to sales@ximasoftware.com to request instructor-based training after step 1 has been completed.
NOTE: Instructor-based training is only available to users who have active Xima Care coverage.
For more information please visit www.ximasoftware.com/chronicall or www.GoECS.com